radiant sherpas make every effort to live by twelve principles.
1) I pursue self-knowledge.
Radiant Sherpas pursue self-knowledge in all of its
forms. To pursue means to “follow, chase, hunt,
trail, track, tail, shadow, practice, engage in, work
at, go in for, take up.” We are not afraid to
look at the not self, to understand our archetypes,
to resolve our psychology. We know we can overcome,
even if this brings us temporary discomfort.
I greet crisis as an opportunity.
Radiant Sherpas understand that every crisis brings an
opportunity to come up higher. We know that personal growth
can only happen commensurate to our willingness to change.
When conflict knocks at our door, we do not hide. We vigorously
pursue resolution that brings everyone up.
3) I take responsibility.
Radiant Sherpas take full responsibility not only for
what they say and do, but even for what they think. They
understand that at a deep level, every circumstance and
interaction that comes into their life, both pleasant
and adverse, is somehow a result of a cause that they
previously set in motion. They do not shrink back from
that responsibility and make the best of it.
I am the master of my thoughts, words, and feelings.
Radiant Sherpas practice mastering their thoughts, words
and feelings. They know that thoughts, words, and feelings
impact us in many seen and unseen ways, and even affect
the overall health of our physical body.
5) I lead from the heart.
Radiant Sherpas know that without agni (fire) in the
heart, they cannot succeed. They seek to quiet the mind,
to disconnect from the constant aggressive mental suggestion
of subconscious coping patterns, and to reconnect to
their heart intelligence.
6) I am a co-creator.
Radiant Sherpas know they can do nothing of lasting value,
except it be God working through them. Like Jesus, they
affirm, “I of mine own self can do nothing, it is
the divine Father (and the divine Mother) in me which
doeth the work.”
I can let go.
Radiant Sherpas embrace the serenity prayer attributed
to Saint Francis as a way of life: “God grant
me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom
to know the difference.” They pursue the middle
way between being a doer, taking responsibility, and
surrendering to a higher will.
I have faith in re-creation.
We change minute by minute. Radiant Sherpas understand
this concept. They understand that without forgiveness,
there can be no freedom. They learn form the past and
move on, and trust divine grace that says, "behold
I make all things new." Instead of holding people
to old matrices, they try to champion their highest self
coming through.
I embrace the antakharana.
Antakharana is a Sanskrit term for the "web of
life." It implies that everything we do, both seen
and unseen, impacts every other part of life because
we are all connected. Radiant Sherpas have faiththat
as they change, so will others, even if it is imperceptible
at first. That is why they try to put into practice
the teaching Jesus gave: to remove the log in their
own eyes instead of focusing on the splinter in the
eyes of others.
I influence by example.
Radiant Sherpas know that practice is really the only
effective way to preach. They understand that you can't
effectively teach what you haven't become, and so they
strive to always climb higher.
The four faces of God shine through me.
Radiant Sherpas use the inner family archetypes as a tool
to clear, balance and expand the four pathways to their
authentic self. The more they do so, the more the four
faces of God will shine through them as Father, Mother,
Christ, and Holy Spirit—Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and
I serve others first.
Radiant Sherpas believe they have a calling to help
others to make it up the mountain of self. They know
that is through helping others that they can fulfill
their reason for being.
They seek to abide by the Prayer of Saint Francis.
make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy
Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned,
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.