The four primary energies described through the four inner family archetypes are present everywhere in life.

The first of these energies is printed on our subconscious more strongly than the others when we are a small child.

The second becomes the primary energy through we we relate to life at the conscious level, and this selection happens right before puberty.

The third becomes the energy that we grow into as adults and that best encapsulates our superconscious drive.

The fourth energy becomes the one that we reject. It is buried in the unconscious and tends to sabotage us when we least expect it.

The way different people select their archetypal pattern is not a conscious choice. It is a part of the soul's evolution and has a lot to do with karma and the lessons that need to be learned through a particular pattern.

Even though we cannot change our archetypal pattern per se, we can learn to transcend its limitation by choosing to practice the loving aspect of each archetype at the conscious level in any given situation.

Our innate archetypal pattern reveals a lot about us— how we see life, how we communicate and like to be understood, how we relate emotionally to others, the type of career or life mission we are more likely to pursue, and the specific vulnerabilities that magnetize negative energies from others.

To figure out your pattern, ask yourself:

What is my conscious archetype (the one I think and function through most of the time)?

What is my subconscious archetype (the one I feel through, that best described me as a child)?

Then, read each pattern of behavior and take a look at the celebrities and historical figures that express that pattern. The more you do this, the more you will be able to pick up on the vibrational similarity between people who share a similar pattern.

The Achievers (Conscious Boychild, subconscious Mother)

The Crusaders (Conscious Boychild, subconscious Girlchild)

The Stoics (Conscious Boychild, subconscious Father)

The Analysts (Conscious Mother, subconscious Boychild)

The Nurturers (Conscious Mother, subconscious Girlchild)

The Creators (Conscious Girlchild, subconscious Boychild)

The Inspirers (Conscious Girlchild, subconscious Mother)

The Overcomers (Conscious Girlchild, subconscious Father)

You may also want to consider scheduling an archetypal assessment for guidance through this process.