I am impersonal in what I deliver and what I receive.
I set the law, the standards, the goals for the family.
I direct the family members in the right way to be, to say, to do.
I set boundaries for the family members to live within and that others
may not trespass.
I protect the members of the family from what would hurt them from
within or without.
My voice is heard as “You … should….must…”
You are not allowed any power or authority.
You will be ruthlessly crushed for attempting to have power.
You have no rights.
You will do as I say.
You get the consequences that I administer.
You will be criticized.
You will be condemned.
You will be judged according to standards which I may or may not reveal.
You will be intimidated.
to Engage Your Loving Father
you set loving and firm boundaries for yourself?
Do you appropriately protect yourself and others?
Do you set your own standards of behavior?
Do you keep your word, your promises?
Do you tell yourself when you have done a good job?
Do you tell yourself you will learn from your mistakes?
Are you fair?
Are you proactive?
Are you powerful, strong, firm and focused?
Do you honor the law of cause and effect?
Do you see discipline as a protection, rather than a punishment?
Do you function efficiently and productively?
Do you finish what you start?