Psyche in Greek means soul, and the study of psychology is the study of the soul.

The Golden Age Psychology is all about nurturing our soul in the process of becoming one with God.

The soul is the living potential to be God.  The soul mirrors both our outer personality and the personality of our higher Self  that we are intended to unite with. we assist our soul in coming up higher when we make the choice to integrate with the divine personality of our higher self, rather than the human personality of our ego

We are a soul and we are a personality. We are intended to become one with our Christ self and Mighty I AM Presence. Each new life, we have a new personality. The personalities that we have had, lifetime after lifetime, are like beads that we string on a necklace.

Our personality is the agency of free will for our soul. Our personality creates karma for the soul that is both good and bad, and it is influenced by past soul momentums. We come in with certain karmic factors to learn from, that become our initiation. As we contemplate this process, we must remember there is no injustice in the universe and that we are in the best possible condition that our karma allows us to be in. We must also not lose sight of the fact that before coming once again into this world with a new baby body, we chose, as our karma dictated, our preset life circumstance as well as our parents and our specific life course. This decision was made together with spiritual beings who helped us develop the most meaningful aspect of our divine plan, lifetime after lifetime.

Our Loving Father archetype helps us to anchor the fiery blueprint of our Divine Father, the Mighty I AM Presence. Our Loved Boychild helps us to anchor the wisdom of God, which is the Christ mind. Our Loving Mother archeype helps us to integrate the love of God which is both the unconditional love of our Divine Mother and the conditional love of our Divine Father. And our Loved Girlchild archetype helps us to anchor the power of God both as a childlike quality of humility that seeks to save the seemingly unsaveable portions of ourselves and others, and then trading that human attachment for divine surrender, which becomes judgment.

The process of replacing our human self with our divine self happens bit by bit, and is greetly assisted by the violet flame, a spiritual energy that consumes negative karma, hardness of heart, non-forgiveness and resistance to change. We can invoke the violet flame into each or our archetypes and quadrants of being by giving violet flame invocations. Here are examples of affirmations you can make:
I AM the violet flame restoring the divine etheric blueprint that frees me of all criticism, condemnation and judgement, hatred and mild dislike, fear and doubt and Unloving Father dynamics in my psychology. I AM the Divine Father made manifest.

I AM the violet flame restoring the divine connection to my mental body, freeing me of all conceit, deceit, arrogance and ego, stubborness, disobedience and defiance of God's law, all envy and jealousy and ignorance of God's law ad Unloved Boychild rebellion. I AM the Christ made manifest.

I AM the violet flame restoring the divine flow of energy into my emotional body thaat frees me of all inharmony, self-pity, indecision and self-justification, all ingratitude and spiritual blindness, all sense of injustice and anxiety and Unloving Mother dynamics in my psychology. I AM the Divine Mother made manifest.

I AM the violet flame purifying and restoring wholeness in my physical body and freeing me from all treachery, intrigue and deception, idolatry, self-idolatry and spiritual blindness, all resentment, revenge and retaliation and Unloveed Girlchild momentums in my psychology. I AM the Holy Spirit made manifest.
So help me God.