Your Boychild archetype is the action principle inside of you that drives everything you do. With the Loved Boychild, you perform at your best and with Unloved Boychild, you behave at your worst. When your Boychild is loving, he is like a knight in shining armor—glamorous, courageous, fighting for righteous causes. He helps you to excel in life, to accomplish great things and to fulfill your dreams. He likes to get things done right with enthusiasm and verve. He is also a leader, a shepherd who inspires others to follow in his tracks. He has dynamic, charismatic energy, he likes to figure out how things work, and his charm and sense of humor make him attractive to others.

Unloved Boychild, on the other hand, is an egotistical rebel who is reckless, angry, aggressive and over-competitive. He disrespects authority and will deceive, lie, cheat, backbite and steal to dominate others and achieve his goals. He sees life as a giant video game and he does not care about who he has to hurt to win.


Loved Boychild

I love to carry out Father’s directions.

I love to receive Mother’s warm loving care.

I love to be the champion of Girl Child.

I love to learn and grow.

I love to explore and experiment and ask questions.

I love to talk to people.

I love to play games even if others are better at it than me because then I get better.

I love to be witty and tell jokes.

I love to be competent.

I am confident of my skills.


Unloved Boychild

I get angry and resentful toward Father for all his rules.

I get mad at Mother when she won’t give me what I want, when I want it.

I have to be in control, I can’t stand it when others are.

I want what I want, when I want it and if I don’t get it I’ll throw a temper tantrum.

Girlchild is a sissy, a wimp, Girlchild deserves to be done to.

I’ll fight to get what I want.

I can’t stand to lose anything—attention, games, competitions, prizes, jobs.

I don’t want any competition.

Nobody can be better than me.

Nobody deserves more than me.

If somebody has something I want I’ll take it.


Tools to Engage Your Loved Boychild

Do you enjoy finding out how things work?

Do you work at something until you are good at it?

Do you explore the unknown?

Are you adventurous?

Do you like playing games or sports?

Do you marvel at other people’s competencies?

Do you like to make people laugh?

Do you stand up for your rights and other people’s rights?

Are you self-confident most of the time?